Scottish First Book of the Year Award

I was so thrilled when my publisher at Barbican Press, Martin Goodman, called to tell me I’d been shortlisted for the Scottish First Book of the Year (Saltire) Award. I travelled to Hoy and wrote The Monster’s Wife out of my fascination with Shelley’s novel, with Orkney as place and because of my sense of the developing character of “the Bride”. It was […]

Good Morning Scotland

I had a lot of fun going in the little Tardis space-booth at Manchester’s Media City and doing this radio interview with Good Morning Scotland about The Monster’s Wife and the Scottish first book of the year award.   My bit starts at 2:42 or so.

Article in The Scotsman

I was thrilled to wake up to this lovely article by Alistair Munro of The Scotsman: A novel dubbed a sequel to Frankenstein, that tells the story of the monster’s bride, was inspired by a trip to Orkney, the author has said. Kate Horsley, whose debut novel The Monster’s Wife is shortlisted for the Saltire First Book of the Year prize, even set her story […]